The bodybuilding and fitness industry is currently being taken over by social media obsession. Actually, the whole world is, but we will stick to the theme of the fitness industry and being or should I say becoming a personal trainer.
How to make kefir and why
I won’t bore you with the history of this great drink, but I will tell you how to make kefir and why. There are two main reasons to make it.
The first reason is the health benefits, which are immense
5 reasons why you should use Cialis
Yes, I’m willing to bet good money, that you squinted when you read the title. I mean what other reason could there be to use Cialis besides erectile dysfunction?
Turns out, quite a few.
Cialis has been on the market
What is the best diet for you
This will be more of a rant post than anything else, but it has been festering in me for a while now. Let’s do this. Rant mode on. What is the best diet for you?
I have been asked quite
6 huge benefits of cold showers
There are many benefits of cold showers and they have an amazing effect on your well being and health. Something as simple as rotating the temperature gauge can really have a big improvement in your life.
So in this article,